I don't think anyone would have enjoyed knocking on doors, howev......................
just a minute, someone is knocking on my door............................Be right back!
i hated it with a passion!
who enjoyed it??.
i can possibly imagine someone who's home life was miserable, and it was an excuse to get out of the house.
I don't think anyone would have enjoyed knocking on doors, howev......................
just a minute, someone is knocking on my door............................Be right back!
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((NOIDEA AND MYSELF))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
the other day i was watching "charlie's angel's" (the weekly series from the '70's) on tvland.
it dawned on me how much i used to wish they had aired that show any night but thursdays.
maybe twice a year, if i was too sick to go to the meeting i would get my hour to watch my favorite star...farrah!
this is the letter my mother wrote to my wife.
who does she think she is?dear leanne,thank you once more for the photos; we are building up quite a collection!i was so sorry to hear that the children are ill- this is a bad time of the year for sicknesses.
you must be quite worried, especially if kevin has pneumonia, which can be very nasty.
Good point mouthy, and I will say again,
The org is preaching different ''gospels'' according to where you live. I intend to check into this, although it will be difficult to obtain the watchtower and other publications in different languages, AND have them interpreted. However, I live real close to Indiana University, and can maybe get some help...
Anyone who can send WT publications to me, in foreign languages, please help.
I still say, the world is too diverse to swallow something so American in nature.
the other day i was watching "charlie's angel's" (the weekly series from the '70's) on tvland.
it dawned on me how much i used to wish they had aired that show any night but thursdays.
maybe twice a year, if i was too sick to go to the meeting i would get my hour to watch my favorite star...farrah!
I missed not having any self-worth. Kids were treated so bad in the borg. Just, less than human. I grew up not having a voice, about even the most miniscule area of my childhood. It has taken me years to find my voice, and to realize my ability to say ''no''.
I love my (4) kids sooo much, and have raised them to speak their minds, and make some of their own choices. It is not unusual for one of them to cuss, or yell at us, slam a door. I just smile, and say, thats my boy, or atta girl! LOL
Now please don't tell me I over-compensated, you'll make me mad........
being disassociated carries with it many rewards - not being invited to the in-laws, not having bible bashers assaulting my privacy (but sometimes i do wish they would call to share some wholesome fellowship.
presently i am working on my apostate skills and feel that i am making some progress, but i do recall how much the brothers dreaded those persons reputedly of the (shudder) 'evil slave class'.
i haven't seen any mention of them on the board and wonder whether they still exist, and if they still manage to icite fear and trepidation in the joeys.. if so..... then i want to enlist - it must be the ultimate in achievement.. cheeses (of the evil slave class).
((((((((((((((((((((Busha Sophia)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) and ((((((((((((((((((((((((((Teenyuck))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
i don't mean just in the personality sense---which of course you all are---but in the physical sense!
tall, short, thin, heavy, dark, light, --this is a good-looking bunch!
yes some of us have things we wish were different about our looks---but i have not seen anyone here from pics who is not somewhere in the top percentile of human beauty.
Awww, Shucks!
Thanks Rave, Right back to ya!
"truly i say to you that all things will be forgiven the sons of men, no matter what sins and blasphemies they blasphemously commit.
" .
--mark 3:28.
and that scripture was????????????????????????
isn't it great to have a significant other to depend on.
now i know some will say that we should stand on our own merits, but i don't.
without my partner, i am a sliver of myself.
Sorry for the double post........EGADS!!
isn't it great to have a significant other to depend on.
now i know some will say that we should stand on our own merits, but i don't.
without my partner, i am a sliver of myself.
Isn't it great to have a significant other to depend on. Now I know some will say that we should stand on our own merits, but I don't. Without my partner, I am a sliver of myself. It ain't PC but it is true.
And when times get tough, it sure is good to have someone who thinks I hung the moon. And now for words of wisdom:
Storms never last, do they baby?
Bad times all go, with the wind
Your hand in mine
stills the thunder,
You make the sun
want to shine!
(Jesse Colter) as written to Waylon Jennings.......
Sniff, sniff, I'm all better now....